Public Administration of LUSM Ranks Top 10% in China

Author:Chen Qiang Translator:Ma Peipei Source:Administration Office Reviewer:Wang Xuejun View: Updated:2020.10.19 Font Size:T T T

On October 15th, Shanghai Ranking has released the Best Chinese Subjects Ranking 2020 which includes 96 first-level subjects, among which public administration of 112 university are on the list. Lanzhou University ranks Top 10%.


The Best Chinese Subjects Ranking

The Best Chinese Subjects Ranking comes from the subject data monitoring platform which serves the subject construction and management departments of universities. The system uses dozens of key indicators reflecting subject competitiveness, such as talent cultivation, research, achievements & awards, academic papers, high-end talents to track and measure the real-time performance and relative positions of nearly 10,000 subjects in Chinese universities. With the continuous progress of the construction of "double first-class", the evaluation and selection of first-class subjects have once again become a hot topic in the higher education community and society. In this context, based on the indicators and data of the monitoring platform, Shanghai Ranking began to publish best Chinese subjects ranking in 2017. The purpose of the ranking is to provide reference for the subject construction of universities through objective data, as well as provide information for students' choice of schools and the public's understanding of the subject level of universities. The caliber used in the ranking of best Chinese subjects is the first-level subject in the latest Catalogue of Subjects for Degree Awarding and Talent Training issued by the Ministry of Education. For each first-level subject, the ranking is aimed at all universities with academic postgraduate degree authorization sites in the first-level subject, and the top 50% universities in that subject are published.