LUSM “Strategic Management” Selected into the First Batch of National First-Class Undergraduate Course Lists

Author:Xu Jing Translator:Ma Peipei Source:Undergraduate Education Office Reviewer:Wang Xuejun View: Updated:2020.12.04 Font Size:T T T

Recently, the Ministry of Education has published the results of the first batch of national first-class undergraduate courses. The strategic management of LUSM is on the lists of national first-class online+offline courses. The course is led by associate professor Zhao Yanhai, with professor Jia Xudong and associate professor Wang Yu as team member. Back in 2018, this course was approved by Gansu Province as the “excellent shared course”. The reward this time marks a new breakthrough in the first-class curriculum construction of LUSM.

In recent years, the school has actively promoted the curriculum construction, successively issued a series of regulations, such as "Management Measures for Undergraduate Course Team Building " and "Management Measures for Undergraduate English Course Construction", encouraging and supporting teachers to establish curriculum teams, and taking "trinity" teaching evaluation system and teaching observation as quality assurance, the school has cultivated a series of high-quality courses and teaching teams. LUSM will take this award as an opportunity to comprehensively review the experience and effectiveness of our curriculum construction, encourage teachers to integrate new information and communication technology, and accelerate teaching reform, create a good atmosphere of "teachers are willing to teach, students are willing to learn", promote the continuous improvement of teaching level and talent training quality, and strive to achieve better results in the follow-up national and provincial first-class undergraduate course application.