President Zhou Xuhong meets the distinguished guests of the International Forum on Public Performanc

Author:Jean Wang Translator: Source: Reviewer: View: Updated:2012.10.10 Font Size:T T T
On Oct. 7th, Zhou Xuhong, president of Lanzhou University, meets the guests attending International Forum on Public Performance Governance in Yifu Museum. These 24 distinguished guests come from worldwide famous universities, such as Portland State University, Loughborough University, University of Edinburgh, National Chengchi University, Macao Polytechnic Institute, City University of Hong Kong, etc. Prof. Bao Guoxian, dean of the School of Management, Tian Zhonghe, Party secretary of the School, He Wensheng, Miao Xuliang, deputy deans of the School, also attend the meeting.
President Zhou Xuhong firstly expresses his warm welcome to these guests. He is greatly approved of the cooperation and exchange the School has carried out among those worldwide universities in the field of government performance management. He expects further cooperation and friendship between the School of Management and those world-famous universities. Prof. Ronald L.Tammen, dean of Hatfield School of Government in Portland State University, expresses his gratitude to the warm reception from Lanzhou University, he wishes the international forum a great success, and also he expects future cooperation and exchange with Lanzhou University in the field of performance governance.