Faculty & Research
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ProfessorResearch Interests: Reliability; Insurance Risk Management; Applied Stochastic Processes; Applied Statistics.
ProfessorHonorary DeanResearch Interests: Government Performance Management, Public Governance, Strategic Management.
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Postdoctor FellowResearch Interests: Resource and Environmental Management, Operations and Supply Chain Management.
Associate ProfessorResearch Interests: Performance Auditing, Environmental Auditing.
Senior Research FellowResearch Interests: Strategic leadership, corporate social responsibility, family firm governance
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Associate ProfessorResearch Interests: Local Government and Governance, National Administrative Development.
ProfessorResearch Interests: political theory, state governance, administration.
Associate ProfessorDoctor of Management, Associate Professor, Master SupervisorResearch Fields: Government Performance Management; Management of Non-profit Organization.
ProfessorResearch Interests: Personnel measurement; Career management; occupational counseling.
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LecturerResearch Interests: Organization Behavior and HRM, Performance Management,Psychological Capital And Contextual Performance.
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Senior Research FellowResearch Interests: Government Performance Governance Theory and Method, Government Environmental Governance, Public Value Conflict Management.
Associate ProfessorResearch Interests: Labor Relationship, Government Regulation.
ProfessorResearch Interests: Human resource management and organizational behavior
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Associate ProfessorResearch Interests: Career Management, Logistics and Supply Chain Management.
ProfessorResearch Interests: Supply Chain Management, Operations Research, Modeling and Optimization of Complex Management System.
ProfessorDeanResearch Interests: Focusing on Government Performance and Budgeting Performance Management.
ProfessorAssociate DeanResearch Interests: Entrepreneurial Management, Service Quality Management Management, The Relationship of Government and Enterprise.
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ProfessorResearch Interests: Finance of listed companies (IPO),Capital market, Financial investment.
ProfessorResearch Interests: Organization and strategy; virtual organization and management.
Associate ProfessorResearch Interests: Financial and Accounting of Capital Markets、Policy Uncertainty、Investor Sentiment and Corporate Investment.
Senior Research FellowResearch Interests: Financial Analysis, Stock Market, Enterprise Performance Evaluation.
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ProfessorResearch Interests: government performance assessment, governmental governance.
LecturerResearch Interests:Decision Theory and Application, Information Security.
Associate ProfessorResearch Interests: the Governance of Ethnic Regions.
Associate ProfessorResearch Interests: Health policy analysis, Hospital management
ProfessorResearch Interests: Sensory Marketing (tactile and visual marketing), Threat Management, Consumer Health.
Associate ProfessorResearch Interests: Sustainable cities, neighborhood. Risk and resilience
Associate ProfessorResearch Interests: Investment Decision Management, Investment Behavior.
ProfessorYang Lixiong, Ph.D in Economics., Professor, Doctoral Advisor, Cui Ying Scholar. His main research areas include corporate finance, financial econometrics, economic big data, and the theoretical methods of machine learning, among other related fields of study. (Academic homepages: https://github.com/lixiongyang and https://gitee.com/YangLixiong)In recent years, he has led several scientific research projects including National Natural Science Foundation youth projects, general projects, sub-to…
Associate ProfessorFacultyResearch Interests: government performance management, public governance, public value, rural China.
Associate ProfessorResearch Interests: Marketing Management, Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Knowledge Management.
Associate ProfessorsResearch Interests: Social Media Marketing, UGC & Consumer Behavior, Online Community.
ProfessorResearch Interests:Research on Capital Market Accounting and Corporate Finance.
Senior Research FellowResearch Interests: Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management.
Senior Research FellowResearch Interests: Innovation & Knowledge Management, Organizational Unlearning.
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Associate ProfessorResearch Interests: Brand attachment, social exclusion, and work-family conflict.
Associate ProfessorResearch Interests: Corporate Finance,Venture Capital, SOE reform.
LecturerResearch Interests: Government Performance Governance, Citizen Participation.
Senior Research FellowResearch Interests: Government performance governance theory and method, public project performance evaluation.
Associate ProfessorResearch Interests: Public Administration, Public Human Resources, Civil Service System.
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ProfessorResearch Interests: Information Management in Crisis Management; Information Analysis and Webometrics; Information Resource Management.
LecturerResearch Interests:Organizational Behavior/Human Resource Management.
Associate ProfessorResearch Interests: Environmental policy; Sustainability; Leadership; Technology policy
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LecturerResearch Interests: Government Performance Management, Government Governance.
Research Interests:Operation and Supply Chain Management, Logistics Management.
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Senior Research FellowResearch Interests: Green supply chain operation management.
Associate ProfessorResearch Interests: Crisis information processing, Data mining, Machine learning.
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Associate ProfessorResearch Interests: Innovation and entrepreneurship.
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ProfessorResearch Interests: Community Governance, Administrative Development in Ethnic Areas.
ProfessorResearch Interests: Information Resource Management, Webometrics and Information Analysis, Crisis and Emergency Management, Government Performance Management, etc.
ProfessorResearch Interests: Land Policies and Institution; Spatial Governance.
Associate ProfessorResearch Interests: Creative management, behavioral financial decision making.
Senior Research FellowResearch Interests: Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
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ProfessorResearch Interests: Leadership, Critical thinking, Innovative behavior.
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LecturerResearch Interests: Financial Institutions Management, Financial Investment.
Associate ProfessorResearch Interests: Digital economy, Live Streaming E-commerce, Internet Reputation and Internet Privacy Protection.
Associate ProfessorResearch Interests: Information Science, Information Management and Information System.
ProfessorResearch Interests: Data-driven operations and supply chain management, sustainable operations management, servitization, recycling remanufacturing, service operations management.
Associate ProfessorsHead of Department of AccountingResearch Interests: Corporate Finance; Capital Markets-based Accounting.
Senior Research FellowResearch: Corruption and anti-corruption reform,Human resource management, Performance Accountability
Associate ProfessorResearch Interests: Land Use and Spatial Planning, Land Management and Public Policy, Regional Governance and Sustainable Development.
LecturerResearch Interests: Social Cognition; Memory and Learning.
ProfessorAssociate DeanResearch Interests: Government Performance Evaluation& Management,Public Value Management,Public Governance& Leadership.
Associate ProfessorResearch Interests: Human resource management, Organization behavior.
ProfessorResearch Interests: Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management, Corporate Governance.
LecturerResearch Interests: Service Marketing, Development and Construction of the Cultural Industries, Enterprise Operation.
ProfessorAssociate DeanResearch Interests: Strategic Management, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and International Business.
Associate ProfessorResearch Interests: Corporate governance and corporate finance.
ProfessorResearch Interests: Technical Governance, Digital Government, Government Performance Management, Grassroots Governance.
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Senior Research FellowResearch Interests: Land Consolidation, Land System and Policy, Land Economy.
Associate ProfessorResearch Interests: Information Governance\sustainable management.
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Senior Research FellowResearch Interests: Energy Economics and Environmental Management.
Associate ProfessorResearch Interests: History of Chinese social politics and thought.
LecturerResearch Interests: Judgment and decision making in accounting and auditing, Audit theory.
LecturerResearch Interests: Marketplace Meta-cognition; Organizational Behavior.
Senior Research FellowResearch Interests: Board Governance, Corporate Innovation, Corporate Social Responsibility.
ProfessorResearch Interests:Environmental System and Corporate Finance; Environmental Accounting; Financial Management
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LecturerResearch Interests: E-commerce, Business Model, Digital Marketing.
Postdoctor FellowResearch Interests:Smart Emergency Management, Digital Preparedness, Natural Disaster
Senior Research FellowSupply chain management; Operations management under uncertainty; Optimization under uncertainty; Algorithms for discrete optimization
Associate ProfessorChief of IT CenterResearch Interests: Enterprise informationdization,knowledge mangement,BI
ProfessorResearch Interests: Proactive Behavior, Dynamics of Identity, Work Emotion and Leadership.
Senior Research FellowResearch: Land institution and land policy analysis, land consolidation, land property right
Senior Research FellowResearch Interests: Risk Issues in Technology Adoption and Application
Associate ProfessorResearch Interests: Salary value,Compensation Design.
Senior Research FellowResearch Interests: Sustainable operational
Postdoctor FellowResearch Interests: Public Fiscal Policy, Spatial Economics, Machine Learning.
Associate ProfessorResearch Interests: Strategic Outlook: Medium and long term decision making, cross-cultural management, corporate social responsibility.
Associate ProfessorResearch Interests: Employee diversity.Sustainable HRM.
Associate ProfessorResearch Interests: Optimal Scheduling, Supply Chain Management.