Professor Bao Guoxian was Appointed as A Member of the Academic Advisory Committee of Chinese Public Administration Society

Author:Deng Jie Translator:Ma Peipei Source:Administration Office Reviewer:Liu Yajun, Zhao Yanhai View: Updated:2023.03.06 Font Size:T T T

On February 27, 2023, the Eighth Congress of the Chinese Public Administration Society was held in Beijing. Representatives of members from various local associations, government departments, universities, and research institutes throughout the country, as well as candidates for the eighth session of the Council, attended the meeting. Professor Bao Guoxian and Professor Wang Xuejun of LUSM were invited to attend the conference and participate in relevant activities. During the event, an academic advisory committee was established for the first time. Professor Bao Guoxian and seven well-known experts from Tsinghua University, Peking University, and other institutions were appointed as members of the committee.

It is reported that Chinese Public Administration Society is an academic association directly managed by the General Office of the State Council. The academic advisory committee of the Society is composed of highly renowned and influential experts and scholars in the field of public administration and public policy, which will play a consultative, advisory, and think tank role. Its main tasks are to provide strategic guidance for the development direction of the Society, provide academic consultation on major research topics, recommend outstanding experts and achievements for the Society and its journals and internal journals, and guide the Society in completing research projects assigned by the State Council. The number of academic advisory committees of the Society does not exceed 20 (approximately 10 academic advisors and 10 academic members each).

Professor Bao Guoxian is a Cuiying scholar of Lanzhou University. He is currently the honorary dean of the School of Management and the director ofChina Research Center for Government Performance Management. He has won the honors and titles of MOE outstanding teacher, first group of national outstanding teacher under the "Ten Thousand Talent Program", excellent teacher awarded by Baosteel Education Foundation, national advanced educator. He also serves as vice president of China Research Society for Government Performance Management, and is a part-time professor or researcher at universities such as Peking University. Professor Bao Guoxian proposed and developed a theory of government performance governance based on public values, reconstructed the research paradigm of government performance, and constructed a disciplinary system of government performance management. The key project of the NSFC that he has presided over and completed is by far the largest project funded by the Department of Management Science, NSFC in the field of public administration. His research achievements have won the second prize of the 7th and 8th Outstanding Achievement Award for Scientific Research in Institutions of Higher Learning (Human and Social Sciences), the second prize of the National Teaching Achievement Award for Higher Education, and the Outstanding Achievement Grand Prize of CTTI Source Think Tank. He has been selected among the top 100 of 2022 "China's High Contribution Scholars".