The Second Stage of the 2015 LZU EMBA Study Tour in the United States Completed

Author: Translator: Source: Reviewer: View: Updated:2015.04.15 Font Size:T T T

On April 2, the 2015 LZU EMBA Overseas Visiting Group arrived at Portland State University and started the second stage of study programs.

The group arrives at Portland State University 

Ronald Tammen, Dean of Mark O. Hatfield School of Government introduces Portland to the group


Phil Keisling, Director of Public Service Center, Mark O. Hatfield School of Government delivers a welcome

Prof. Gary Larsen gives a lecture of leadership 


The students introduce themselves one by one 


The group takes trolley  to Mirabella Foundation

Todd Martin, President of the Aged Service Center Mirabella Foundation, welcomes the group

Mr. Alan Delatorre introduces how to construct aged friendly city

Prof. Cui Ming gives brochures of LUSM to Todd Alan

The group visits Portland

Mrs. Sarah Lannarone guides the group to visit

The group visits Gray's Landing

Mr. Dan Vallirer introduces the project of REACH Community Development

Mark Williams, Oregon Health and Science University, introduces the CLSB cooperation building

The Group visits the CLSB building

The visit of CLSB Building is finished  

The Group takes trolley back to the hotel

On the morning of April 3, the Group visits the city of Hillsboro

Mr. Steve Callaway Hillsboro, President of the city council, delivers a welcome and introduces the city to the Group

Jeanine Rustad introduces the land development planning of the city

Mark Clemons introduces the economic development  conditions of the city

The students ask questions actively 

Mark tells the story of the postcard of the city 

Prof. Gary continues to discuss leadership with the students

The Group visits the headquater of Columbia (the famous sport brand) 

A Chinese girl who works in Columbia introduces the development of  the company to the Group 

The President gives the poster with his signature to Prof. Cui Ming

The Group visits the store of the employees

Jin introduces the sub-brands of Columbia to the Group

The Group visits Cooper Vineyard

Barbara Gross narrates the history of the vineyard to the Group

The students taste wine and experinence the culture of wine

Phil & Gary of Mark O. Hatfield School of Government issue course-completetion certificates to the students

Gifts  marking the friendship are exchanged

The second stage of the study tour is completed successfully. We'd like to thank the staff of Portland State University and welcome them to Lanzhou in this Ocotober!