LUSM Delegation Attended The 20th Cross-Strait cum Hong Kong and Macao Public Administration Conference

Author:Zhang Yi, Bao Haixu Translator:Wu Rui Source:International Cooperation and Accreditation Office Reviewer:Zhao Yanhai View: Updated:2024.05.15 Font Size:T T T

From May 9 to 11, 2024, the delegation led by Prof. He Wensheng, dean of LUSM, Prof. Sun Fei and Bao Haixu, faculty representatives of LUSM participated in the the 20th Cross-Strait cum Hong Kong and Macao Public Administration Conference organized by the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). The Conference, since it was first organized by the School of Public Administration and Policy of Renmin University of China (SPAP, RUC) in 2005, has been held for twenty times, and now it has become an important bridge and platform connecting the Chinese scholars of public administration in the Chinese region, and promoting academic exchange and cooperation.


During the opining ceremony, Prof. Chi Yue CHIU, Dean of the Faculty of Social Science of CUHK, Prof. Dong Keyong, Prof. of SPAP of RUC, Prof. Richard W. Hu, Dean of the Faculty of Social Science, University of Macau, and Prof. Jingpeng Zhu, Vice President of Taiwan Dong Hwa University, delivered speeches respectively as its regions university representative. Prof. Zhang Weiwen, associate dean of the School of Public Affairs of Zhejiang University, Prof. Xu Renhui from Taiwan Shih Hsin University, Prof. Pan Wei from the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Macau, and Prof. Tang Shui Yan from the epartment of Government and Public Administration of CUHK delivered keynote speeches respectively.


During the opining ceremony, Prof. Chi Yue CHIU, Dean of the Faculty of Social Science of CUHK, Prof. Dong Keyong, Prof. of SPAP of RUC, Prof. Richard W. Hu, Dean of the Faculty of Social Science, University of Macau, and Prof. Jingpeng Zhu, Vice President of Taiwan Dong Hwa University, delivered speeches respectively as its regions university representative. Prof. Zhang Weiwen, associate dean of the School of Public Affairs of Zhejiang University, Prof. Xu Renhui from Taiwan Shih Hsin University, Prof. Pan Wei from the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Macau, and Prof. Tang Shui Yan from the epartment of Government and Public Administration of CUHK delivered keynote speeches respectively.


At the closing ceremony, Wei Na, Secretary General of the Conference, announced the results of the discussion of the Council, which determined that the 21st Cross-Strait cum Hong Kong and Macao Public Administration Conference will be hosted by Lanzhou University. Prof. He Wensheng, Dean of LUSM, as the representative of the organizer, introduced the development of the public management discipline of LUSM to the guests, accepted the organizers' transfer of authority, and invited the participating experts and scholars to meet in Lanzhou in 2025.
