LUSM Delegation Attended 2024 AMBA&BGA Global Conference and Visited Partner Institution

Author:Wu Rui, Yan Xuefei Translator:Wu Rui Source:International Cooperation and Accreditation Office Reviewer:Zhao Yanhai View: Updated:2024.05.21 Font Size:T T T

From May 12 to 16, 2024, at the invitation of the Association of MBAs and Business Graduates Association (AMBA&BGA), a delegation led by Prof. He Wensheng, Dean of LUSM, and accompanied by associate professor Lei Liang and Guo Shenghao, attended the 2024 AMBA&BGA Global Conference at Budapest, Hungary, and visited LUSM’s partner institution in France after the Conference.

From May 12 to 15, the 2024 AMBA&BGA Global Conference (hereafter “the Conference”) was held in Budapest, Hungary. With 14 keynote speeches and 22 parallel sessions, the Conference attracts more than 700 delegates from over 100 business schools (management schools) around the world. During the Conference, delegates presented, discussed, and shared speeches and opinions on topics on “new technological transformation”, “sustainability and climate change”, “strengthening global connections”, “business school management and strategies”, “MBA curriculum and teaching methods”, “alumni caring and lifelong learning”, and “sustainable entrepreneurship and leadership development”.


At the invitation of the Conference Committee, prof. He Wensheng delivered speeches at themed session for Chinese business schools and the parallel session on Silk-Road Entrepreneurship Education Network (hereafter “SREEN”) for Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Leadership.

On May 14, at the special showcasing session, themed on Distinctiveness of Chinese business schools,which was presided over by prof. Wang Zhongming, AMBA&BGA International Adviser for China, and Prof. Wendy Loretto of University of Edinburgh Business School, prof. He Wensheng introduced LUSMs progress and achievements on its teaching and learning, scientific research, talent cultivation, and social services since jointly accredited by AMBA and BGA. In addition, he also shared LUSMs concept of its MBA program and practical experiences.


On May 15, at the parallel session on SREEN for Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Leadership, Prof. He Wensheng shared with the guests the establishment and construction of the SREEN Lanzhou Platform. He emphasized the positioning of leadership and sustainability in the development of the LUSM, and introduced a series of innovative initiatives implemented by the School in response to this goal, including the MBA thematic courses, the “Success Plan”, the Undergraduate Model Program of Leadership and Social Responsibility, as well as the status of the new MBA Program on Digital Culture Industry Management. Moreover, Prof. He also put forward the development outlook of SREEN Lanzhou Platform, indicating that the School will make full use of the platform to develop microspecialties and microprograms, and set up “management+” specialties, so as to further promote interdisciplinary and cross-competency enhancement, and deepen the sustainable development of management education in western China.


On May 16, at the invitation of Institut Mines-Telecom Business School (IMT), the delegation went to the School for an exchange visit. Ms. Perrine Cezard, Associate dean for international development, Ms. Anne Bataillé, Head of International mobility and Erasmus + development, Ms. Virginie Bezot, Internationalization at home project manager, Ms. Bhumika Gupta, Programme director of Msc International business, Ms. Pascale Samson, Programme director of Master in Management, and Ms. Jennifer Mallet, Programme director of Bachelor Management and new technologies participated in the meeting discussion. The two sides reviewed the past cooperations, and exchanged views on future areas of cooperation such as faculty and student exchanges, joint degree programs, and co-curricular construction, and reached a number of consensus. The two sides agreed that the visit provided valuable exchange opportunities for the teams and teachers of both sides and laid a solid foundation for future academic cooperation between the two institutions.


The visit is an important initiative for the deepening implementation of LUSM’s strategy of internationalization, which has further enhanced the communication and contact between LUSM and well-known business and management schools at home and abroad, as well as the international accreditation associations. It has a positive promoting significance for the School to gain best practices, practice the concept of sustainable development and responsible management, and strengthen action learning in business education, which further enhanced the School’s global impact, and promoted the development of its strategic development, and the application of digital technology in MBA education.