Recent Institutions Visits to LUSM

Author:Liu Yifei, Zhao Yongwei, Li Yanxia Translator:Yin Yanqing Source:Office of Professional Degree Education, Student Affairs Office Reviewer:Zhao Yanhai View: Updated:2024.05.28 Font Size:T T T

Recently, two institutions visited LUSM to carry out exchanges and discussions on the talents training in digital cultural industry, internship base, student employment, and school-enterprise cooperation.

On the morning of April 26, Zhang Qingxia, Deputy Secretary-General of Gansu Scientific and Educational Innovation Alliance for Culture and Tourism, Wu Kejun, Associate Dean of the Tourism College of Northwest Normal University, Dong Ping, Director of the Department of Tourism Management of the College of Business Administration of Lanzhou University of Finance and Economics, Xu Ronghai, Deputy General Manager of the Gansu Silk Road International Cultural Expo Co., Ltd, Ju Xin, Marketing Manager of Intelligent Digital Reconstruction Department of Gansu Communication Technology Co., Ltd, Shen Lili, Office Director of Duzhe Culture and Tourism Co., Ltd, and Zhang Chengwen, Director of VR Center of Lanzhou University of Arts and Sciences, came to LUSM to investigate the cultivation of talents in digital culture industry. Representatives from LUSM including teachers and staff attended the meeting.


The attendee engaged in discussions regarding the perspectives on industry-teaching integration, exploring effective strategies for inter-school and school-enterprise cooperation, fostering digitally empowered cultural industries, and cultivating professional talents based on their respective research topics and industry-specific practices.

On the morning of May 22, Liu Kai, Secretary of Party Committee of Erba Township, Hatjiang District, Wuhu City, Anhui Province, and Wu Yuquan, Secretary of Committee of Hatjiang District, Wuhu City, Communist Youth League, and Wu Yong, Member of the Party Committee and Vice Mayor of Erba Township, Qiujiang District, Wuhu City, Anhui Province, visited LUSM. Li Yanxia, Deputy Secretary of LUSM CPC Committee, Chang Tao, Deputy Secretary of LUSM CPC Committee & Associate Dean of LUSM, Zhao Yongwei and Chen Jingwen, student counselor, participated in the meeting.


The two sides conducted in-depth discussions on the introduction of talents, cadre training, employment internships, project research, social practice, enterprise visits, and reached a number of school-local cooperation intentions such as summer internships, visits to enterprises to expand the workforce, project training, and so on, to jointly promote the integration of the development of the school and the local community.