LUSM Has Been Granted the Right to Host the 2025 Annual Academic Conference of the Management Psychology Professional Committee of CASP

Author:WEI Xuhua Translator:WU Rui Source:Office of General Administration Reviewer:ZHAO Yanhai View: Updated:2024.08.30 Font Size:T T T

From August 23 to 25, the 2024 Annual Academic Conference of the Management Psychology Professional Committee (hereafter the Committee) of the Chinese Society of Social Psychology (CASP) was successfully held in Guilin. More than 300 experts, scholars and conference delegates from colleges and universities, research institutes and related social organizations attended the conference, and the delegates shared 9 keynote speeches and 45 parallel sessions around the theme of "Management Psychology and the Rise of New Productivity in the Digital Age". At the invitation of the Committee, Prof. WEI Xuhua, presented at the Conference under the theme “Cross-lagged Panel Analysis in Management Psychology: Strategies and Future Applications.


At the closing ceremony on August 25, Prof. LI Chaoping, Chair of the Conference Organizing Committee, announced that the 2025 Annual Academic Conference of the Management Psychology Professional Committee of CASP, as well as the 7th China Management Psychology/Organizational Behavior Forum, will be hosted by LUSM. Following the announcement, Prof. WU Jianzu, associate dean of LUSM, presented a statement outlining LUSMs plans for hosting the Conference. He introduced with the attendees the detail of Gansu, Lanzhou, and LUSM, and expressed LUSMs determination and confidence in hosting the conference, highlighting key aspects in its infrastructure, experience in organizing conferences, and the dedicated team of faculty and staff.


It is known that the Committee of CASP was originally established in 2005 for connecting and uniting professionals in the fields of management psychology and organizational behavior from universities, research institutions, enterprises, government agencies, and other organizations. With the authorization of hosting the 2025 Annual Academic Conference of the Management Psychology Professional Committee of CASP, will significantly contribute to the advancement of LUSMs talent cultivation, scientific research, and discipline development.